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Waterfalls and Wagon Wheels


Waterfalls and Wagon Wheels

Convergence at the Complex

Q: Hurricane

PAX: Crochet, Shadow, Boone, Mellow, Dora, Snowbird, Huevo

Warm Up:

Circle Plank: Everyone holds high plank. One person jumps up and runs/hops over everyone's feet until they get back to their spot, then they do low plank hip dips. This continues until everyone is in low plank hip dips. Then the first person goes again, but comes back to high plank in their spot. Continue until everyone is in high plank.

The Thang:

Wagon Wheel:

5 reps for each exercise:

Goblet Squats

Overhead March to the next spoke

Tip Toe Sumo Squats

Farmers Carry to the next spoke

Crazy Curtsy Lunge (per leg)

Lunges and Triceps Extension to the next spoke

Frog Pump Chest Press

Lat hold to the next spoke

Donkey Fire (per leg)

Front Hold to the next spoke

1 Burpee

Repeat with 10 reps of each, then 2 burpees

Repeat with 20 reps of each and 4 burpees


Wall Sit ball pass, when the ball gets to you bear crawl to the other side and sit. Keep passing the ball and continue until everyone has gone.

Plank pass. Everyone holds high plank and passes the ball with right hand to the next person then runs to the end. Repeat until you get to the stopping point then go the other way using left arm to pass.

Squat Pass. Hold Squat and pass the ball overhead to the person in front. Run to the end of the line. Repeat until you get to the stopping point. The go in reverse passing behind you overhead and run backwards. Repeat until you get to the stopping point.

Boat hold pass. Everyone holds boat pose and passes the ball down the line and back for 3 rounds each way.

Leg Lift pushes: Everyone does a leg raise hold. One person goes up and down the line pushing each persons legs down as they pass. Resist and try not to let your legs drop. Repeat until everyone has gone.

COT: Stress makes you believe that everything has to happen now. Faith reassures you that everything will happen in God's timing. Work hard and stay humble. No matter how far you have come there is always another level to strive for and there is always more to learn.

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